Winter Lash Care Tips

Winter Lash Care Tips

Winter can be tough on your lashes, so it’s important to take extra care of them. Use a gentle, oil-free eye makeup remover, brush and comb your lashes regularly, avoid using heavy or oily products on your lashes, and be mindful of lash extensions and the effect of the weather on them.

Use a lash growth serum to promote healthy growth, see a lash professional for maintenance, keep your lashes clean to prevent irritation and infection and don’t forget to protect your lashes from the sun’s UV rays. Keep your lashes healthy and beautiful during the winter season by following these tips.

Use a gentle, oil-free eye makeup remover

Sure, using a gentle, oil-free eye makeup remover is a great tip for keeping your lashes healthy during the winter. The cold weather can dry out your skin and lashes, making them more prone to breakage.

A gentle eye makeup remover will help remove your makeup without drying out your lashes or causing irritation.

Also, using an oil-free remover is important because oils can weigh down your lashes and cause them to become brittle. You can find many gentle and oil-free eye makeup removers at your local drugstore or beauty supply store.

Brush and comb your lashes regularly

Another great tip for keeping your lashes healthy during the winter is to brush and comb them regularly. Just like how we brush our hair to keep it tangle-free and healthy, the same goes for our lashes. Brushing and combing your lashes will help distribute natural oils, remove dirt and debris and keep them looking neat and tidy.

You can use a clean mascara wand or a special lash brush to do this. It’s best to do this before applying mascara or any other lash products to avoid clumping. It’s also a good idea to do this before going to bed to remove any makeup residue.

Make it a habit to include brushing and combing your lashes in your daily beauty routine, and you’ll see the difference in the health of your lashes in no time!

Avoid using heavy or oily products on your lashes

One thing to keep in mind when it comes to winter lash care is to avoid using heavy or oily products on your lashes. The cold weather can already dry out your lashes, so using heavy or oily products can weigh them down and make them even more prone to breakage.

Instead, opt for lightweight, oil-free formulas that will nourish and protect your lashes without weighing them down. Also, make sure to clean your lashes regularly to remove any build-up of products. This will help keep your lashes healthy and strong throughout the winter.

Avoid using lash curlers or eyelash extensions because they can pull or damage your lashes. Remember, healthy lashes are happy lashes, so be mindful of the products you use on them during the winter.

Use our lash growth serum to promote healthy growth

Here is another great tip for keeping your lashes healthy during the winter is to use our lash growth serum. This serum is specially formulated to promote healthy growth and thickness of your lashes.

They contain ingredients like myristoyl pentapeptide-17, sweet almond oil and hyaluronic acid that nourish the lashes and help them grow stronger and longer you can order them from our store here.

It’s best to apply the serum at night after removing your makeup and to be consistent in using it.

It’s important to keep in mind that results may vary and it may take some time to see any changes, but with regular use, you should start to notice a difference in the health and appearance of your lashes. Make sure you do a 24 hour patch test before use.

See a lash professional for maintenance

See a lash professional for maintenance. A lash professional can help you keep your lashes healthy and looking their best all year round, but it’s especially important during the winter when the cold weather can cause dryness and breakage.

They can check your lashes for any issues and provide you with personalized recommendations for care. They can also help you with any questions you may have about lash extensions, eyelash growth serums, or other products you may be using.

Additionally, they can help you with any maintenance for the extension you already have, like refills, touch-ups and cleaning. It’s always best to see a professional who is trained and licensed, so you can be sure that your lashes are in good hands.

Remember, your lashes are a delicate feature, so it’s important to take care of them properly.

Keep your lashes clean to prevent irritation and infection

Keep them clean! Cold weather and dry air can cause dirt and debris to accumulate on your lashes, which can lead to irritation and even infection.

To keep your lashes clean, make sure to remove all makeup at night before you go to sleep, and clean your lashes with a gentle, oil-free cleanser. You can use a cotton swab or a soft brush to gently clean your lashes, taking care not to pull or tug on them.

Be sure to clean your lash curler and any other tools you use on your lashes regularly to avoid any buildup of dirt or bacteria. Don’t forget to clean your lash brush or mascara wand as well.

If you have eyelash extensions, it’s especially important to keep them clean to avoid any irritation or infection. Remember, clean lashes equals healthy lashes!

Don’t forget to protect your lashes from the sun’s UV rays

protect your lashes from the sun's UV rays

Lastly, there is one thing that’s easy to forget, but important to keep in mind during the winter is protecting your lashes from the sun’s UV rays.

Even though the sun might not be as strong during the winter, your lashes are still susceptible to sun damage. UV rays can cause dryness, breakage, and discolouration of your lashes, so it’s important to protect them.

You can use sunscreen specifically formulated for the eyelid area, or you can use an umbrella or a hat to shield your lashes from the sun.

Additionally, you can also use tinted or clear mascara that contains UV protection. It’s important to note that even if you have eyelash extensions, you still need to protect your natural lashes from UV rays.

Remember, healthy lashes are happy lashes, so don’t forget to protect them from the sun’s harmful rays!