Drinks to avoid if you want clear skin

Drinks to avoid if you want clear skin


Clearing your skin is no easy feat. It’s not just about drinking enough water or eating the right foods. There are also things you can do to keep your pores clear and blemish-free.

And one of those things happens to be drinking! But not all drinks are created equal when it comes to keeping you youthful looking, so we’ve put together a list of 12  drinks that should be avoided if you want clear skin:

1.  Caffeinated drinks

This is a no-brainer. Not only will caffeine dehydrate you, but it also makes your skin dry and flaky, which can lead to acne breakouts. If you’re struggling with blemish-prone skin, avoid drinking caffeinated drinks at all costs!

2.  Coffee

Coffee is a diuretic, meaning it makes you urinate more and can cause dehydration. In addition to that, coffee contains caffeine that can upset your stomach if you drink too much of it at once.

Coffee also contains tannins which are acidic compounds that can irritate the skin and cause inflammation in the body (and acne). The acidity from coffee also causes breakouts!

3.  Alcohol

As if you needed another reason to avoid alcohol, it can also cause redness and inflammation. Alcohol is a diuretic, meaning it shrinks the capillaries in your skin, which makes it harder for oxygen to get through and makes acne worse.

In fact, some studies have found that people who drink more than two drinks per day are twice as likely to develop acne (and those who drink at least three drinks per day are five times more likely).


  • Alcohol increases oil production in our pores—which means that if you’ve got oily skin already, drinking will make matters worse.
  • Alcohol constricts blood vessels; this reduces oxygen flow into the dermis—the layer above the epidermis—which can lead to breakouts as well as dryness around mouth corners/chin area due to lack of hydration from drinking too much water or sweating less because of decreased perspiration levels due to being dehydrated by alcohol consumption.”

4.  Sugary drinks

Sugary drinks are bad for your skin. Sugar can cause acne, and it’s also been linked to weight gain. To avoid all these issues, you should avoid sugary drinks like soda, fruit punch, and energy drinks.

5.  Energy drinks

Energy drinks are high in caffeine and can cause acne. Excessive consumption of caffeine can also lead to headaches, nervousness, and anxiety.

Caffeine is an addictive substance that can cause people to develop a tolerance for it—so much so that they need more and more of it to feel great. This can lead them to crave other caffeinated products like soda (both of which contain sugar), which may not be good for your skin either!

6.  Juices

Juices are high in sugar. But you can’t beat the nutritional value of whole fruit!

7.  Sodas

Soda is one of the worst things you can drink if you want clear skin. Sodas are high in sugar and calories, They also have no nutritional value; soda isn’t food! When consumed regularly over time, sodas could cause tooth decay and other oral health problems.

The good news? If you’re trying to get rid of acne or prevent it from returning after taking antibiotics, avoiding soda is a great start!

8.  Sports drinks

When you’re out at the gym, it can be tempting to grab a sports drink from the machine. But watch out—those sugary drinks are not only bad for your body, but they might also be doing more harm than good for your skin.

The reason? Sports drinks contain high levels of sodium, which can cause water retention and make your skin look sallow; plus they contain artificial sweeteners like aspartame (which is proven to break down collagen), caffeine (which reduces blood flow in the face), and alcohol that can break down healthy oils in our faces.

If you really want an energy boost or hydration during exercise but don’t want to risk dehydrating yourself or looking like a greaseball while sweating so much that it leaves clogged pores open wide open! Then try drinking water instead—it’ll help keep things nice & clear on those summer days!

9.  Coconut water

Coconut water is a popular drink that’s high in sugar, which can lead to acne. It does not provide any nutrition and will dehydrate you if you drink too much of it.

If you’re going to use coconut water as an alternative to water, make sure you’re getting enough fibre in your diet by eating fruits and vegetables with skins (like apples).

10.  Tea

Tea is a great drink for many people, but it can be problematic if you’re trying to clear up your skin. It contains caffeine, which may irritate sensitive areas of the body and cause inflammation or redness in the face. Caffeine also can stain teeth over time (and might even leave them dingy).

Some teas are acidic, making them more likely to cause blemishes as well as clog pores on your face or neck area—which isn’t good news if you want clear skin!

Tannins are also present in some kinds of tea; these compounds bind with proteins in the body and prevent them from doing their job properly (like absorbing moisture).

This means that tannins will collect inside your pores instead of letting those proteins do their jobs properly—a bad thing when it comes to keeping things clean!

11.  Energy drinks

Energy drinks are a popular choice for young people, but they can be unhealthy and expensive. Caffeine is a natural stimulant that helps you stay awake and alert, but it also dehydrates your skin. This makes you more prone to clogged pores, acne breakouts, and redness.

Energy drinks can also cause sensitivity in some people who are already sensitive to caffeine or who have sensitive skin—so if you’re one of those people (or know someone who is), steer clear!

12.  Spicy drinks

If you’re looking to clear your skin, spicy foods can be a culprit. Spicy drinks contain capsaicin, which is an irritant that can cause redness and irritation. It also triggers a flare-up of acne sufferers’ existing breakouts by irritating their skin further.

If you already have acne or are prone to breakouts, avoid spicy foods like hot sauces and chili peppers altogether until they clear up.

Avoid these if you have acne or sensitive skin.

Avoid these if you have acne or sensitive skin.

  • Alcohol: This is not a good thing to have on your skin, especially if it’s been happening for a long time. Alcohol can make your acne worse because it dries out the pores and makes them more prone to breakouts. If you’re already drinking alcohol regularly, consider switching to wine instead of beer or liquor (if necessary).
  • Sugar-sweetened beverages: If you suffer from acne vulgaris, avoid drinking sweetened sodas like Coke or Pepsi that contain high fructose corn syrup because they contain processed fructose which may trigger inflammation in the body and increase the risk of developing adult acne rosacea (AKA adult facial redness). Instead, try unsweetened fruit juices such as apple cider vinegar watermelon juice iced tea strawberry lemonade coconut water pineapple mint tea ginger ale with lime juice orange soda grapefruit soda cranberry puree maxi size cranberry puree maxi size

Drink water instead!

Water is the best thing you can drink to keep your skin clear and healthy. Or a hydrating, nutrient-dense beverage that contains no calories, fat, or sugar—and it’s free of chemicals like artificial sweeteners and preservatives. The electrolytes in water help keep your body running smoothly so you’ll feel better overall.

Plus, drinking enough water helps digestion because it takes some of the pressure off digestion by keeping things moving through the digestive system rather than being stuck in one place (like on top of food).

Water also has other benefits for weight loss: Drinking more water will help you feel fuller faster so you don’t overeat later on; this means fewer calories consumed overall—which is great news for those looking to lose weight!

And finally, there’s evidence that suggests that drinking enough fluids increases our metabolic rate by about 15 percent after just two days of doing so regularly (and up to 30% according to some studies). This means burning more calories throughout our day without even trying too hard!


We hope you’ve learned a lot about what not to drink. Remember, it doesn’t have to be all bad news. If you want clear skin and a healthy lifestyle in general, then stick to water!