10 Skincare Trends on TikTok Everyone is Talking About

Skincare Trends on TikTok

We’re all looking for new ways to take care of our skin, but there are some trends that have become so popular on TikTok that they might actually work. Here are 10 skincare trends you should try right now if you want to brighten up your complexion:

Baking soda as a face wash:

Baking soda for skin care

Baking soda is a gentle exfoliant that can be used to remove dirt and oil from your face. It’s also known for its ability to calm redness, so it makes sense that people are using baking soda as a facial cleanser!

Here is how to do it

● In a small bowl, combine 1 teaspoon of baking soda with 2 tablespoons of water or apple cider vinegar. Apply the mixture to your face and gently massage it in until it totally dissolves (about 10 minutes). Completely rinse with warm water before using a moisturizer. If you have dry skin, you can repeat this every 3 to 4 days, and if you have oily skin, once each week.

Baking soda to lighten acne scars:

Lemon juice and honey are a natural blend of bleaching agents, which can help lighten acne scars. To use this mixture: In a tiny bowl, combine two drops of lemon juice and two teaspoons of honey.

Apply the mixture to the areas of your skin where you want lighter skin, such as your face. Leave it on for 20 minutes before washing it off with warm water or gently rinsing it under the shower head (this will help it soak into your pores better).

Bentonite clay mask

Bentonite clay

Clay masks are one of the most common skincare trends on TikTok. Clay is a mineral substance that’s found in soils and has been used for thousands of years to help restore skin health and treat blemishes. Bentonite clay, which is derived from volcanic ash, has been used as an anti-inflammatory agent since ancient times.

Bentonite clay can be mixed with water to make a paste or added directly to your face after washing it off with warm water (you should always use cold water). Leave it on for 5–10 minutes before rinsing off thoroughly with cool/lukewarm water.

This mask will draw out impurities from pores so you’ll see clear results immediately after application! It also helps fight acne by reducing swelling caused by inflammation in the area around where your zits pop up—so there is no need to worry about any spots showing up anymore!

Additionally: bentonite makes your makeup go on smoother; reduces oil production; helps diminish fine lines & wrinkles around the eyes; reduces redness caused by rosacea; removes blackheads while they’re still small enough where they won’t clog pores (this means fewer breakouts overall); prevents future breakouts before they even happen because now all those nasty gunk stuck inside those folds behind ears etc., will come right out instead–allowing fresh air into already overworked follicles making them look healthier than ever before!

Skin scraping with a coin (for removing blackheads)

blackheads with a coin tiktok trents

Skin scraping with a coin is the new way to remove blackheads and cleanse your pores. While it’s not a new concept, this method has gained popularity recently because of TikTok’s young audience—and good reason too!

The best part about trying this out yourself? It won’t cost you anything but some time and patience. If you’re looking for an easy way to eliminate blackheads without spending money on products or treatments that can be messy, then this is definitely one worth trying out before moving on to other skincare trends.

Here is how people remove their blackheads with a coin

  • Make sure that your coin has smooth edges so that they don’t gouge into your skin too much during use (this will make it hurt more).
  • Don’t use credit cards; they’re too sharp and could cause irritation or damage if touched directly against the skin without proper precautions taken beforehand.* Don’t use sharp objects such as knives; these tend not only to leave behind nasty scars but also take longer than necessary because there’s no way around spending extra money on replacement blades when needed later down the line (or worse yet losing them altogether).

Ice rolling (to tighten pores)

If you’re looking to tighten your pores, use ice cubes. Ice rolling is a simple hack that can help you achieve the same results as using a face mask. The idea is that when cold water hits your skin, it tightens up the pores and makes them look smaller.

To do this, put some warm water in a bowl or cup and add about three times as many ice cubes as normal (like if it were warm outside). Then gently rub them over your face for about 10 minutes before removing them with a washcloth or cotton ball soaked in warm water — or even better yet: keep those little guys on hand at all times!

Ice rolling isn’t just for pore tightening; it also works great on dark circles under the eyes (or anywhere else). Just take care not to let any moisture get into those crevices between lashes because they’ll become stuck together like glue!

Banana peel to soothe under-eye puffiness

Banana peel

Under-eye puffiness is no fun, but the banana peel can help you ease its pain. It’s a great option for both under-eye puffiness and dark circles because it has anti-inflammatory properties that will help reduce inflammation, which can cause puffiness.

You can either use the peel as a mask or apply it directly to your eye area (like in an ointment) or use it as a spot treatment on your face if you have any blemishes or other problem spots. You can also use the peel as a DIY exfoliant by rubbing it over your face multiple times daily!

Shaving down the eyebrows with razors (instead of threading or waxing)

girl holding a razor

Shaving down the eyebrows is an old-school method of hair removal that’s gaining popularity on TikTok. The trend started with young women posting videos of themselves shaving their eyebrows and then trimming them afterwards, but it has now become a standard practice for many vloggers.

If you want to give it a try yourself, here’s how:

● Be careful when you’re doing this step! You’ll want to be in good physical shape so that you don’t accidentally cut off too much or cause any bleeding. If you’re worried about getting hurt while shaving (or anything else), consider wearing gloves or even putting on protective eye goggles if you have them available. This will help prevent accidental scratches from happening during the process and make things go more smoothly overall!

Rubbing toothpaste on pimples to make them go away faster

toothpaste on spots

If you’re looking for a quick way to clear your acne, the internet has plenty of tips. One popular trick is rubbing toothpaste on pimples—but some people have found that it doesn’t work as well as they would like.

You may have heard about this method before, but if not here’s what you need to know: Toothpaste contains ingredients that can help reduce inflammation and improve healing time when applied topically; these include baking soda, peroxide, and tea tree oil (which act as antibacterial agents). But don’t use any of these products on your skin unless you’ve been prescribed them by a doctor first!

Rubbing alcohol to remove dead skin cells and “bring up the new ones”

If you’re looking to bring up new ones, rubbing alcohol is a great way to do it. It’s a fantastic way to exfoliate your face and eliminate dead skin cells as well.

To use rubbing alcohol on your face, first, make sure that there isn’t any makeup on your skin (this will make it more difficult). Then take some cotton pads or balls and soak them in rubbing alcohol—make sure they’re wet before applying them! And then rub away at those pesky bumps or blemishes until they’re gone for good!

Drinking pineapple juice to clear acne scars


● Drinking pineapple juice to clear acne scars:

Bromelain, an enzyme found in pineapples and other foods, can be used to help break down the protein that builds up under your skin after you’ve had a pimple or blemish. This helps reduce inflammation and swelling around the scar. You can also apply this enzyme directly onto your scar with a toothpick—just make sure not to apply too much or it will cause pain!

These trends may be useful to you! Banana peel for under-eye puffiness, Baking soda for face wash and Ice rolling to tighten pores.

Skin scraping with a coin for blackheads and whiteheads, or just to exfoliate the face (especially if you have oily skin) Toothpaste is also an option because it contains lactic acid which helps break down bacteria on your skin and make it healthier.

Rubbing alcohol can be used as a toner or after cleansing, but make sure not to get too much because it can dry out your face even more than usual if not diluted properly in water first. Swallowing pineapple juice will clear acne scars left behind by past pimples/acne treatments so that they don’t show anymore!


We hope you enjoyed reading this post and found it helpful! Remember, if you have any questions about these trends or other skincare advice, we’re always here for you. Also, let us know what else we should cover in future posts.