How to Wash Your Face While Wearing Eyelash Extensions

How to Wash Your Face While Wearing Eyelash Extensions

Long, luscious lashes are a beauty dream come true for many people, but maintaining them can be a real challenge.

If you’re wearing eyelash extensions, it’s essential to wash your face regularly to keep your eyes and lashes clean, healthy and looking great. Here’s how to do it properly.

What You’ll Need when washing your face with lash extensions

Before you begin, gather these items:

  • A gentle, oil-free cleanser
  • A soft, bristled brush
  • A bowl of lukewarm water
  • A soft, clean towel

Step 1: Remove Any Makeup

The first step in washing your face while wearing lash extensions is to remove any makeup you may be wearing. Use a gentle, oil-free makeup remover, and be careful not to tug on your lashes.

Gently dab the makeup remover onto your eyes and wipe away any residue with a soft, clean cloth.

Step 2: Wet Your Face to open up your pores

Next, wet your face with lukewarm water. This will help to open up your pores and make it easier for your cleanser to work.

Avoid using water that’s too hot, as this can cause your lashes and extensions to become loose and fall out.

Step 3: Apply Cleanser

Now it’s time to apply your gentle, oil-free cleanser. Squeeze a small amount into the palm of your hand and use your fingertips to gently massage it into your skin.

Be careful not to rub your lashes or extensions, as this can cause damage. Instead, focus on gently massaging your skin, taking care not to get the cleanser into your eyes.

Step 4: Use a Bristled Brush

To help remove any dirt and oils from your face and lashes, use a soft, bristled brush. Gently brush your face, being careful not to tug on your lashes or extensions.

This will help to remove any debris and promote healthy, clear skin.

Step 5: Rinse Your Face

Once you’ve finished brushing, it’s time to rinse your face. Use lukewarm water to gently remove the cleanser, being careful not to tug on your lashes or extensions.

Step 6: Pat Dry

Finally, pat your face dry with a soft, clean towel. Avoid rubbing your skin or lashes, as this can cause damage. Instead, gently press the towel against your skin to remove any excess moisture.

Can You Get Your Eyelash Extensions Wet?

Of course! I’m here to help with all your questions.

Now, coming to eyelash extensions, the short answer is, yes, you can get your eyelash extensions wet. However, it’s important to wait at least 24 hours after getting them done to allow the adhesive to fully cure.

After that, you can go about your daily activities, including washing your face and taking showers, without any worries.

But, here are a few tips to keep in mind to help extend the life of your lashes.

Avoid hot showers – The hot water can cause the extensions to loosen and cause damage to both the extensions and your natural lashes.

Use a gentle cleanser – Choose a gentle, oil-free cleanser to wash your face to avoid any damage to the extensions.

Pat Dry – After showering, gently pat your face dry instead of rubbing it with a towel.

Avoid using oil-based products near your eyes – Oil-based products can break down the adhesive and cause the extensions to fall off.

FAQ Washing Your Face While Wearing Eyelash Extensions

What type of face wash should I use with eyelash extensions?

Choose a gentle, oil-free cleanser to wash your face to avoid any damage to the extensions.

Can I use makeup remover with eyelash extensions?

Yes, you can use makeup remover with eyelash extensions, but make sure it’s oil-free to avoid damaging the adhesive.

How should I clean my eye area with eyelash extensions?

Gently clean around your eye area with a foaming cleanser and a soft brush. Avoid rubbing or pulling at the extensions.

How often should I wash my face with eyelash extensions?

You can wash your face as often as you normally would, but make sure to use a gentle, oil-free cleanser to avoid rubbing or pulling at the extensions.

Can I use face wipes with eyelash extensions?

Yes, you can use face wipes with eyelash extensions, but make sure they are oil-free and gentle on the skin.

Should I avoid hot water when washing my face with eyelash extensions?

Yes, it’s best to avoid hot water when washing your face with eyelash extensions, as the hot water can cause the extensions to loosen and cause damage.

How should I dry my face after washing it with eyelash extensions?

Gently pat your face dry instead of rubbing it with a towel after washing your face with eyelash extensions.

Can I use exfoliating products with eyelash extensions?

Yes, you can use exfoliating products with eyelash extensions, but make sure they are gentle and avoid using them near the eye area.

Can I use a face mask with eyelash extensions?

Yes, you can use a face mask with eyelash extensions, but make sure to avoid applying it too close to the eye area and to remove it gently.


Washing your face while wearing eyelash extensions requires a little extra care and attention, but it’s a necessary step in maintaining healthy, beautiful lashes. By following these simple steps, you can keep your skin and lashes clean and healthy, and keep your extensions looking great for as long as possible.